
What Are The Main Reasons for The Failure of The Float Valve?

Low-pressure float valve is a low-pressure liquid level to control the amount of liquid into the control valve, but also automatically adjust the evaporative flow throttle, which is combined with the following evaporative coil into a throttle and evaporator combination, float ball valve and valve needle by the lever, hinge connected into the liquid control valve. When the liquid level drops, the float drops with the liquid level, the valve needle is opened, the liquid volume increases. 
When the liquid level rises, the float rises with the liquid level, and the small valve is closed, the liquid level is reduced. When the liquid level rises to the control height, the valve needle closes the valve and stops the liquid. So the float ball valve is the change of the liquid level as the power to adjust the flow.
In summary, the main reason for the failure of the float valve is frequent fluctuations in the liquid level inside the container, it caused the float valve opening and closing frequent, spool and seat is easy to wear and cause failure.
Floating Ball Valve


The Application of Stainless Steel Ball Valve

In a variety of valves, the ball valve flow resistance is minimal, when full diameter ball valve open, the valve body and the connection diameter equal to a diameter, the media can almost no loss of flow, is an important valve. Flange ball valve is widely used in petroleum refining, chemical, paper, pharmaceutical, food, water, electricity, municipal, steel and other industries.
The sealing form of soft sealing ball and hard seal ball valve. Normal temperature type ball valve use PTFE seal, high temperature type can be used on the polystyrene or metal hard seal. With a low coefficient of friction, the operating torque is small, the maximum amount of leakage up to zero leakage, a variety of seat material can be chosen, to adapt to a wider range. In the choice of ball valve, not only depends on the price, but also depends on the quality.
Stainless Steel Ball Valve


What Is The General Purpose of The Check Valve?

Check valve is to rely on the flow of the media itself and automatically open, close the valve, used to prevent the media back valve. Check valve according to its structure can be divided into:
First, the lift check valve: valve flap go down the vertical center of the valve body sliding check valve. Lifting check valve can only be installed in the horizontal pipe, the high pressure small diameter check valve can be used on the ball valve. The shape of the valve body of the lift check valve is the same as that of the globe valve, so its fluid resistance coefficient is large.
Second, the swing check valve: A check valve that rotates around a pin outside the valve seat. Swing check valve is more common.
Third, the butterfly check valve: valve flap around the valve seat rotation of the check valve. Disc-type check valve structure is simple, can only be installed in the horizontal pipe, the seal is poor. 
Fourth, the pipeline check valve, the valve flap slides along the centerline of the valve body. Pipeline check valve is a new type of valve, its size is small, weight is weight, check valve is one of the direction of development. But the fluid resistance coefficient is slightly larger than the swivel check valve.
DIN Lift Check Valve


Butterfly Check Valve for Sale

The butterfly check valve belongs to butterfly valve, which includes a swivel check valve and a lift check valve. The swivel check valve has a hinge mechanism, and a valve-like valve flap free to rest on the inclined seat surface. The function of the butterfly check valve is to allow only the medium to flow in one direction, and to prevent the direction of flow.
Butterfly check valve, usually this valve is automatically working in a direction of the flow of fluid under pressure, the valve flap open; When the fluid flows in the opposite direction, the fluid pressure and the self-merging flap of the flap act on the valve seat to cut off the flow.
butterfly check valve


Do You Know Lift Check Valve?

The flap of the lift check valve is located on the valve seat sealing surface of the valve body. This valve in addition to the valve can be free to lift, the rest as the same as the valve, the fluid pressure so that the valve from the valve seat sealing surface lift, the media back to the valve back to the valve seat, and cut off the flow. The same as globe valve, the passage of fluid through the lift check valve is also narrow, so the pressure drop through the lift check valve is larger than the swing check valve, and the flow of the swivel check valve is limited. This type of valve in the pipeline should generally be installed horizontally.
Check valve manufacturers ensure that the valve can reach the seat of the seat every time the appropriate location, the flap is designed in the hinge mechanism so that the flap has sufficient swivel space and the flap is truly and fully accessible to the valve seat. In the fully open condition of swing check valve, the fluid pressure is almost unimpeded, so the pressure drop through the valve is relatively small.
Swing Check Valve

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